Boyce Town Forest Trail

A gentle 1.2 mile round trip hike where you will hike up an old road through alpine meadow to gentle peak with 270-degree view. Can see Mad River Glen, Mt. Ellen and Sugarbush South. Swimming lake at the bottom. A short trail to the left leads to an old cellar hole and a beautiful pond that is ideal as a picnic spot.

The newest town forest is in Fayston. It includes a special spot where one can stand on a high knoll and take in sweeping views of the Green Mountains, the rolling hills of Fayston, and the Northfield Range. The future of these 93 acres—now known as the Boyce Hill Town Forest—had been uncertain. What had been a cow pasture until the 1960s was further cleared in later decades in preparation for residential development. An unpaved road was built to the height of the land, where old stone walls, apple trees, berry bushes, and young trees flank the stunning summit.